
The current owner purchased the car in 2001 just prior to Group C and Group A being accepted by the CAMS Historic Commission as a Historic (5th) Category.  Prior to this these cars had nowhere to race other than in Sports Sedans, Improved Production at State Race Meetings or at Club events.  

This is a fate that consumed many cars from this era as they were heavily modified to be competitive, many being destroyed in the process.

Above: Ready for it’s new Historic Logbook

Luckily, this car had only competed in the occasional sports sedan race, unmodified from its Group A days,  being primarily used for AROCA Club events and the occasional AROCA Winton 6 Hour Relay Race.  

It was still in remarkably original condition with only a few minor alterations, a fibreglass front splitter, a small boot lip spoiler, and a few pieces of trim.

The car had had no major changes to the internals, gearbox, brakes,  suspension, or the interior - all in as raced condition.

In anticipation of Historic Group C, I commenced returning the car to period correct trim, accumulating the cars history (readily available) and preparing the C of D application.  

The car competed at Historic Sandown on a temporary permit in November 2003 and had it’s C of D issued in December 2003.  Then it was off to the Phillip Island Classic in February 2004 and it’s life as a Historic car.

Above: Sandown Historics 2005

Above: Phillip Island Classic 2004

Above: The Group C Garage in Queesland.  That’s legend Bob Holden next to me in the Escort and the big old BBF Falcon down the end.

Above: Racing the Capri’s in Queensland - the sign says race a V8 - but who needs a V8?  Steve Emson in the BBF Capri, and John Deery in the ex Bond Masterton Home Capri.

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 Above: A great dice with Gary Hinton's Championship winning Morris A9X

Above: Another shot in Queensland, this time the handicap race.

Above: A "Thank You" from Frank Porter who drove the car with Ray at Bathurst.  This is Trent Harrison in the car at Sandown Historics in 2006.

© Scott Farquharson 2015